CNC Mechanical and Construction

 As a rule this would be divided into more sub cateories however it is not my intent to give a course on builing routers.

Basic frame construction


The decision was made to make the table be able to have a cutting area greater than 1500mm x 1500mm.

One of the factors pushing this size was by the size of material available.

I wanted to have a lead-screw design to prevent slop which occured in the belt driven router.

Lead screws with ball nuts 1500mm x 30mm were readily availble and were made from tool steel.

The guide rails were equally available in that size as well.

Lead screws and guide rails were ordered.


The construction of the gantries and any part of the system which would require ongoing tenson or compression were made from either 3/8" or 1/2" aluminum.

The design used 1 gantry for the X axis, 2 for the Y axis and 1 the Z axis.


Gantry design

Z Gantry


Z Gantry design

 Z Mechanical Details


X Gantry design

 X Mechanical Details


Y Gantry design

 Y Mechanical Details